Frederik D Schreef:
> Ik citeer weer:
> —————————-
> Calvin’s Case, or the Case of the Postnati.1
> (1608) Trinity Term, 6 James I
> In the Court of King’s Bench, heard in the
> Exchequer by the Chancellor and all the Judges of
> England. First Published in the Reports, volume 7,
> page 1a.
> Ed.: Under the feudal system, the absolute loyalty
> owed by a subject to the King, an allegiance
> enforced by duties that were tied to the holding
> of interests in land, made unthinkable, and
> illegal, the ownership of land by one person in
> two different kingdoms. When King James VI of
> Scotland assumed the English throne, both the
> Scots and the English were beholden to the same
> monarch, and the traditional reason for
> prohibiting a foreigner to own lands in the
> kingdom, which would have barred a Scot from
> holding lands in England and vice versa, was
> considerably weakened. It was particularly
> difficult when applied to someone who was born
> after James had taken the new throne, who were
> called the post-nati, a phrase by which the case
> is often known. The issue in this case arose when
> Robert Calvin, who was a Scot born three years
> after James’s coronation in England, came by
> land in England. His lands were entered by Richard
> and Nicholas Smith, and when Calvin’s guardians
> sued, the Smith’s defense was that Robert could
> not own the land.
> ——————————–
> Bron:
> aticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=911&chapter=106337&layou
> t=html&Itemid=27
> Ik wist niet dat Johannes Calvijn (Jean Calvin) in
> Engeland, of om preciezer te zijn in Schotland,
> Robert Calvin heette. Weer wat geleerd.
> Ik vrees dat ik in een stief kwartiertje dieper
> heb gespit dan jij tot nu toe hebt gedaan. De zaak
> Calvin is niet de zaak Johannes Calvijn (wat moet
> een Engelse jurist met Calvijn?) maar de rechtzaak
> van Robert Calvin, een Schot. Misschien is Robert
> Calvin naar Johannes Calvijn genoemd maar dit is
> hier totaal onbelangrijk.
> Deze zaak heeft niets met onze Calvijn of met
> enige theologie te maken maar alles met de vraag
> of de Schotten na de unificatie van Engeland en
> Schotland onder James I/VI (de James van de King
> James Bible) onder de jurisdictie van Engeland
> vallen.
> Edward Coke was inderdaad een belangrijk en na
> zijn dood invloedrijk rechtsgeleerde. Hij viel op
> door zijn verzet tegen het absolutisme. Hij was
> veel minder een theocraat dan Johannes Calvijn.
> Was dat je statement?
> Of ging het jou erom dat het calvénisme
> (opgroeien met Calvé pindakaas) hetzelfde is als
> calvinisme?
> En zoals ik al eerder zei: het is Latijn en geen
> Latijns tenzij je houdt van potjeslatijn.
Nee gigantus penis de papyrus, over potjes latijn gesproken, eerst eens goed lezen wat sir Edward Coke toepaste in Calvin`s case!
Dan mag je brullen, sir Edward Coke paste de theorie van Calvijn toe in deze rechtzaak.
Het punt wat je totaal ontgaat is dat Calvijn stelt dat de mens van nature (ingeboren dus) de wet van God is zich heeft, in zijn hart gegraveert dus.
De rest van de case en wat voor gevolgen het heeft in latere zaken is overduidelijk.
Maar daar gaat het niet om, ik vroeg wat je van de stelling vond!
Maar daar ga je maar aan voorbij, in je zoektocht naar nihilisme.
Als je nu verder had gekeken bij the London company had je kunnen lezen dat zij deze loop gebruikten
In 1644, the Second Anglo-Powhatan War erupted. Its origins are disputed. English apologists for the company say that Opchanacanough initiated the war. Native American apologist Robert Williams, a contemporary Native American Law Professor, argues that Opchanacanough had secured concessions from Governor Yeardley which the company would not accept. Thus, Opchanacanough's attack, on April 18, 1644, may have been a pre-emptive attempt to defeat the colony before reinforcements arrived. In about a day, 350 out of 1,240 colonists were killed, and some outlying settlements were wiped out. The Virginia Company quickly published an account of this attack which was steeped in Calvinist theology—the massacre was the work of Providence in that it gave a justification for the complete genocide of the Powhatans, and the building of settlements on their former towns. New orders called for a “perpetual war without peace or truce” “to root out from being any longer a people, so cursed a nation, ungrateful to all benefitte, and incapable of all goodnesses.” (bron wikipedia)
Daarbij heb je zeker weinig gegeten van Calvijn en zijn invloed, maar ik zal je een beetje verlichten over hem en het gevolg van zijn theorie.
Due to Calvin's missionary work in France, his programme of reform eventually reached the French-speaking provinces of the Netherlands. Calvinism was adopted in the Palatinate under Frederick III, which led to the formulation of the Heidelberg Catechism in 1563. This and the Belgic Confession were adopted as confessional standards in the first synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in 1571. Leading divines, either Calvinist or those sympathetic to Calvinism, settled in England (Martin Bucer, Peter Martyr, and Jan Laski) and Scotland (John Knox). During the English Civil War, the Calvinistic Puritans produced the Westminster Confession, which became the confessional standard for Presbyterians in the English-speaking world. Having established itself in Europe, the movement continued to spread to other parts of the world including North America, South Africa, and Korea.
Calvin did not live to see the foundation of his work grow into an international movement; but his death allowed his ideas to break out of their city of origin, to succeed far beyond their borders, and to establish their own distinct character. (bron wikipedia)
Als je het nu nog niet begrijpt moet je maar weer eens vragen PS.